Posts Tagged ‘flowers’

Merry Christmas to ALL

February 11, 2012

May you all have a festive, best and blessed Merry Christmas. Filled with laughter, love in your heart. Listening to all those incredible songs. Having fun with your family and etc. Suggestion: have fun and pace your Christmas spending. Going to only stores that are reputable and safe meaning a “non violent zone” area. Going possibly during the day. And, suggesting to your fav. store to safe policies in place. Never leave your handbag or etc in the car. On you at all times. Its also a good idea to be well known in your favorite discount department stores. Suggesting to the General Manager how low can they go on their prices. Please never suffer if you are in a sad feeling talk about with a friend or family or etc? Consider never be alone possibly? If you are around glummy people by all means ditch’m plz? You are deserve positive props my friend. We are all family. We care about each other…

Ask your family/etc for their Christmas lists. And, hand them yours. Possibly give them the heads up where they can save money on your Christmas gifts. Include what type of gift wrap you wish to have.

When it comes to your Christmas feast.. suggest a potluck party. That way you don’t have to stress. And, suggest a cool location to have your feast.

*Never have an ordinary Christmas* think outside the box on different types of healthy Christmas meals, foods, desserts, treats, beverages, and possibly avoiding alcohol. “Being an example maker”. Will definitely make a huge impact on your surroundings. Drinking nutrition 100% fruit punch made from real fruit. And, healthier egg nog,.

Going to your local church is also highly recommended. The incredible feeling of peace and tranquility will be awesome.

Learning about God and Jesus is also great as well, in my opinion. What he did for us. And, what Jesus did for us on that wooden cross was memorable. Please keep December 25th sacred.. Jesus was born on that day. Going to church on that day will be a incredible feeling..

Saying “Happy Birthday” to him is recommended.

Spreading the love of Jesus and his father by acting random act of kindness and waving to people you see around you.. saying hello, doing good deeds for others around you and being good to yourself. Being an example maker, being positive, motivational, taking care of yourself,..

Christmas is about Jesus being born , fun, bold colors, creating that wow factor, inner peace, salvation, love, happiness, driving sober, enjiying yourself, being around positive people, feeling comfortable,

Thank you for reading my Christmas…

You can find me here..
